
Hon. Carmen Velasquez Honors Late Mother

Written by National Association of Women Judges|September 04, 2024|News

Congratulations to Justice Carmen Velasquez, NAWJ Treasurer and her family on the recently held community breakfast honoring her late mother, Laura Almeida-Egas, followed by the Annual Ecuadorian Parade held in Queens County.  Justice Velasquez has shared that her late mother was a community leader and is the only Ecuadorian woman to have a street named in her honor. Justice Velasquez was joined on August 4, 2024 by several Latino Judges Association members pictured below.


From L-R back row:  Judge Joaquin Orellana; Acting Justice Gary Miret; Acting Justice Edwin Novillo; Justice Nestor Díaz; Judge Diego Freire, From L-R front row: Judge Lissette Fernández; Justice Carmen Velasquez; Associate Justice Janice Taylor; Acting Justice Lumarie Maldonado-Cruz; Justice Karina Alomar.

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